Releasing Control and Finding Peace through Therapy for OCD

Reconnect, Rediscover, & Build A Better Relationship in OCD Therapy.

If you’re living with OCD, the quest for calm can be even more complex. Those intrusive thoughts that just won’t quit, the compulsive behaviors that feel like they have to be done just right, or the endless checking and rechecking—these rituals and fears can turn daily life into an exhausting climb over an ever-growing mountain. You might try to brush these feelings aside, look for small wins, or push through, hoping for a change. Yet, there comes a tipping point where the usual strategies don’t hold up, and everything, from work and relationships to personal well-being, takes a hit.

This is where stepping into therapy for OCD can truly turn things around. Unlike looking for immediate fixes, therapy delves deep, offering strategies and tools tailored to navigate the intricacies of OCD. It’s about understanding that the obsessions and compulsions are not the entirety of you but rather a part of your life that you can manage and control.

OCD therapy can help you reconnect.

OCD therapy can be a benefit if any of the following resonate with you:

Experiencing unwanted, persistent thoughts or fears that seem impossible to control, often causing significant distress.

Feeling a compelling need to perform specific actions or rituals repeatedly (like washing hands, checking locks, or counting) to alleviate the anxiety caused by these intrusive thoughts.

Avoiding people, places, or activities to prevent triggering obsessions or the need to perform compulsive behaviors.

Struggling with focus and concentration because of constant obsessions and compulsions.

Feeling significant shame, guilt, or frustration about one's thoughts and compulsions.

Counseling in New York City For Overcoming OCD

Let Go Of Control

Letting go of control is a pivotal step towards managing symptoms and achieving greater peace of mind. Through cognitive-behavioral techniques and exposure therapy, you’ll learn to challenge obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, gradually relinquishing the need for certainty and control. We provide a supportive environment where you can confront their fears and anxieties, fostering acceptance of uncertainty and flexibility in thinking.

Staying Present

Staying present is a foundational practice that builds mindfulness and resilience. Through mindfulness-based interventions and cognitive-behavioral techniques, you’ll learn to anchor yourself in the present moment, rather than getting caught up in obsessive thoughts or compulsive rituals. We guide you in becoming aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgment, helping you develop a more balanced perspective on your experiences. By staying present, individuals with OCD can effectively manage anxiety and intrusive thoughts, gaining greater control over their responses and reducing the urge to engage in compulsions.

And More…


We are located at 7 W. 30th Street, Floor 11, New York, NY 10001 but are currently conducting all sessions virtually.

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